Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In utero

Could it be that people have this preconceived longing to return to the womb? A place and time of absolute ethereal warmth and comfort where not a thing can go wrong, of which can never be had again. Though we search, nothing quite makes the mark. And in what peculiar paths. The first that comes to mind is with the help of drugs, which unfortunately comes at a price. The search for power is a way to protect oneself by controlling their surroundings, but at a greater exposure to risk and responsibility. Then comes the relationship between the sexes, where in some Freudian way, two people can feel a sense of comfort and contentedness unmatched by any other emotion. Perhaps a prenatal baby does feel this or something of the like. So do we sleep in the fetus position by our partners, dreaming of the best times of our lives both past and to come.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dentists in the media

-Murakami's short stories often depict a dentist character. He has a knack for making the ordinary extraordinary. One is a dentist, whose wife is an unafflicted insomniac that swims furiously at the club and reads thick novels over a glass of liquor, comes home during lunch somedays, and brushes his teeth immediately afterwards.
-Colgate commercials
-Willy Wonka's(whoops) father was a dentist
-The Simpson's episode where Lisa gets braces
-Seinfeld, the dad from Malcolm in the Middle plays a dentist who keeps pornography in his waiting room.
In short, dentists don't get much exposure. That is why the profession is such a well kept secret.

love b.c.

Imagine how love worked in ancient times, when history was rarely written. Did two people go through the same promenade that we are so familiar with in this day and age?

History often portrays marriage as a loveless affair between two estates with a dynastic approach to creating a family tree. This is due to a flawed system of history. Only events that occur in relation to important figures is recorded in a manner that has any possibility of being preserved. The rest of our ancestor's stories fade into obscurity. Actually, it's quite romantic thinking about all the notable and quips that have ever occurred, spanning the entire spectrum of human events. But not until the Renaissance has the popularity of love emerged in media with the likes of Lord Byron and Shakespeare, Titian, and Botticelli. Before this, love was overtaken by the emotion of lust, which was scarce in itself.

Though there are few tangible artifacts that can prove this, it is in our DNA. By the way we act and feel towards each other. This is an ancient dance.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Perfect Morning

I woke up this morning, and my bed was perfectly made.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Staying happy

- listening to music in bed before sleeping
- when it's sunny + rainy
- staying clean and fresh

:a man's dignity is all he has, and most women know this: